
Book traders find business point partners

For the first time since the fair was launched the organisers of the annual Cape Town Book Fair, have introduced a matchmaking session, where pre-registered participants have been offered two hours side-meeting to mingle and exchange ideas in the book industry ranging from the writer, editor, publisher, distributor, library, bookseller all the way to the reader. The session has proved beneficial as it has been closely coordinated with 15 minutes of one-to-one conversations before changing and finding another prospective business partner. By the end of the session, one has a clear idea of what it entails to have a finished product and how many key players are involved in the whole industry as well as who among the professionals, would they further a relationship with after the fair.

"We had to come up with this important session because from the previous fairs, we got voices of discontent that the fair was very much geared towards the reader as the convention centre was always teeming with families bringing their children to grab a book and read, especially on Saturday and Sunday. While this is in itself a welcome practice and we are encouraging it, people like you - authors, publishers and distributors who would have spent monies on booths, were probably short-changed because you man your stall all the time and do not get to know what the other one in the same trade as you might assist with or how you can assist her. We will continue improving because the fair must offer an opportunity also from a business point of view, otherwise, gradually, you the participants might not find it helpful and stop coming," explained Sadika Ahmed, sales and exhibition manager of 2010 Cape Town Book Fair.

Her comments were confirmed by Chris of Books Botswana, the bookseller at the University of Botswana and publisher of the writer's memoirs - My White Grandpa. He stopped participating at the annual event for the very reason that there was no pre-arranged platform by the organisers for traders to network and discuss possible business ventures. Rather, he finds the London Book Fair as offering better opportunities for people in the industry more than the reader and hence his decision to commit to that particular festival. Online Marketing Services Provider.

"As a bookseller, I go to the fair to sell my titles and I want to network with other potential book traders. But the Cape Town book fair is geared toward the reader more than traders," Chris expressed his frustration and why he missed this year's event.

Rinku Dhar from India could not be more agreed to the initiative to launch the matchmaking such that even prior to the writer's trip, there were already emails coming through for a possible business relation.

"Yes we are exhibiting at the CTBF and our Stall No is F3 (Nutech Print Services). Our Export Manager, Rinku Dhar will be there to meet you to discuss about your printing requirements. Please provide us your contact number at Cape Town so that he can contact you to confirm the meeting time." Direct Marketing Services Provider.

However, not everyone looks forward to a business relationship at a fair of this nature as even writers and publishers are looking forward to sparking off the culture of reading so they can offset costs and make enough profit from the sales. Without readers, traders in the book industry have no market amongst themselves.

Especially in recent times when books are facing stiff competition from digital technology, whetting the appetite of readers is most relevant. I-pods are for example quickly taking over the traditional book format as a whole manuscript can be downloaded onto the gadget and carried away.

"Book fairs provide a unique kind of experience to share on a one-to-one basis how we view the world. Particularly for our young people, we must teach them to pick a book at an early stage.

There are lots of intangibles that the book fair can offer. For me books are beautiful objects, maybe it is because my father was a school teacher and I was a consumer of books at an early age and also a scribbler. Books are good companions. Media Marketing Agency.


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